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    Lettuce Batavia - Green - Organic Delivery Company

    Lettuce Batavia - Green

    Produced in the UK

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    Strawberry Fields is situate in the Lincolnshire Fens, ten miles north of Boston at the foot of the Wolds; an island of thirty-eight acres in a sea of grain.

    A small family concern, Pam heads the team with Clyde and Dicken, her sons as business partners, her daughter Bryony does the payroll, Dicken’s partner Becky helps on a Saturday, her eldest Jade does the year end accounts and Pam's partner John keeps the machinery wheels oiled and turning. they grow an extensive range of “inspirational vegetables” and herbs, including the more exotic and unusual.

    After an apprenticeship selling through the supermarkets, they now concentrate on supplying outlets where their produce retains its identity and their customer relationship is pivotal to the success of their enterprise. 

    It is with great pleasure that we can now announce that all their packaging is biodegradable. It comes after three years of blood, sweat and mostly tears and a saga more far-fetched than an episode of East Enders. It has been a minefield to negotiate and how Pam wishes she had listened from the back seat in the GCE Chemistry class many moons ago!

    All cardboard waste is sold for Stickford Church Funds. The steel wickets (the bits of metal that hold the bags when you tie them around your waist) are returned for re-use next time. Those annoying strips which tear off to expose the adhesive and seem to be around forever will also be returned for recycling once they figure out a way of collecting them before they blow to kingdom come.

    To reduce our carbon footprint further, they have a wind turbine feeding back into the grid and solar panels for hot water.